Threat Intelligence

Message Integirty Verification

Our cutting-edge service employs advanced threat intelligence databases and a sophisticated brand detection algorithm to scrutinize links embedded in SMS/Emails. Instantly validating the safety of each link, our service provides a verdict on whether it's secure to open. Ensure your online safety by leveraging our robust solution to identify and mitigate potential threats within SMS/Email links, protecting you from malicious activities and ensuring a secure digital experience.

Key Features

SMS Forwarding to Free Short code numbers

SMS Forwarding to Free Short code numbers

Seamlessly forward SMS messages to a free short code for immediate analysis and validation

Email Client Plugins

Email Client Plugins

Integrate seamlessly with most popular email clients (Outlook, Gmail, Apple Mail and Mozilla Thunderbird) through dedicated plugins, enabling users to validate links directly within their email platforms before clicking, ensuring an added layer of security in real-time.

Spam/Phishing Database Scoring

Spam/Phishing Database Scoring

Score each message against an extensive spam/phishing database, leveraging advanced algorithms to identify potential threats.

Real-time Verdict

Real-time Verdict

Receive an instant verdict on the safety of links within SMS/Emails, empowering users to make informed decisions before opening or clicking.

Threat Intelligence Integration

Threat Intelligence Integration

Harness the power of threat intelligence databases for comprehensive analysis, ensuring the identification and mitigation of potential malicious links.

Brand Detection Algorithm

Brand Detection Algorithm

Employ a sophisticated brand detection algorithm to verify the legitimacy of links, adding an extra layer of security against phishing attempts.

Comprehensive Reporting

Comprehensive Reporting

Receive detailed reports on message and link safety, facilitating transparency and enhancing overall cybersecurity awareness.

Why Choose
Enjoy our comprehensive cybersecurity service without any charges, making it accessible to the public.
Benefit from complimentary plugins tailored for popular email clients such as Outlook and Gmail.
Seamlessly forward SMS messages at no cost, expanding the reach of our security service.
Rely on our trustworthy threat intelligence system for up-to-date and accurate threat assessments.
Access our extensive database to score messages against spam/phishing indicators, ensuring heightened security.
Make the most of our cybersecurity service, accessible to the public, ensuring widespread availability.

Spam, smishing, and phishing attacks have become more prevalent and sophisticated, exploiting vulnerabilities in communication channels to trick users into divulging sensitive information. Cybercriminals continually adapt their tactics, using deceptive emails and SMS messages to impersonate trusted entities, leading to financial losses, data breaches, and compromised personal information. If you're uncertain about a message, send it to us, and we'll subject it to our cutting-edge ML and AI technologies, augmented by the latest threat intelligence information. Our System will promptly confirm whether it's benign or potentially harmful, and the best part – it's all free of charge.

Let's Connect - Your Thoughts Matter!

Feel free to reach out - we're here to make your experience with us as smooth as possible. Whether you're a client, partner, or just curious about what we do, your inquiries are always welcome. Drop us a line, and let's start a conversation. Your comfort is our priority, and we're excited to hear from you!


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